■  Componentware
■  MDAware
■  Siteskin
■  Frameworks
The Business Component Approach defines two environments within a Technical Architecture required to build component-based systems - the CEE and XIDE. Nicheware Solutions provides a number of frameworks and subsystems to support both these environments.

  • CEE: The Component Execution Environment (CEE) covers all software available at run-time to support business components. Nicheware Solutions uses a large number of well-established open-source libraries (including the Spring framework), as well as the J2EE APIs provided by most application servers, but supplements this with some additional CEE frameworks. This includes utility classes, a configuration API and base classes.

  • XIDE: The eXtended Integrated Development Environment (XIDE) covers all the development tools and products, used during the development of business components. Nicheware Solutions has provided extension to common Java open-source developments tools to support the Business Component approach

    Build Ant tasks have been defined and standard ant XML templates for building business components and systems of components. Ivy is used for dependency management.
    Doc Javadoc has been enhanced to integrate with Siteskin and business components to provide Javadoc that includes component design diagrams and design documentation, as well as including this information on the project intranet.
    Modelling The MDAware tool provides an MDA extension to ArgoUML (or any XMI exporting modelling tool), complete with model transformations for J2EE, EJBs, JPA, JAXB, Web Services, JDBC DAO, Spring, Spring MVC, Struts and Hibernate.
    Testing XIDE enhancements to JUnit/TestNG allow for data-driven unit testing, based on XML data files, along with ant tasks for repeatable performance and system testing.

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